Monday, October 8, 2012

The Birthday Song

This is my birthday song.

I wrote this song when I turned 22 as a lonely single girl spending her birthday away from home for the first time. It was God speaking to me. Things were hard. He knew. I was lonely, but I was never alone. He was with me. I had vague ideas and pipe dreams about my life. He held (and still holds) my future.
Five years later, I'm still singing this song. The details of my life have changed (lots can happen in 5 years!), I have changed (I hope!), but what will never change is God and His promise that He will never leave or forsake me. He is faithful. He is faithful. He is faithful. 
Please, give your life to Jesus, and He will take care of you. He will take care of you!

"The Birthday Song"

I know your thoughts
I know your dreams
I know all your plans
I know all your schemes

I know your soft spot
Your achilles heel
I know that it hurts
I know how you feel

I know your heartache
and I know your tears
I've been in your shoes now
for 26 years

I'm your good Father
I'm your kind friend
Your knight in bright armour
From the world's end

I know when you're strong
I'm strong when you're weak
I know when you can't
Find the words to speak

In seasons of joy 
And seasons of rest
I'm your truest friend
I'll give you what's best

I know your downfalls
I know your fears
But I hold your future
I've planned all your years

I'm your good Father
I'm your kind friend
Your knight in bright armour
From the world's end

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